BIZ Capital subscribed to the Charter of Principles of BCSD Portugal, an association that brings together and represents companies that are actively committed to sustainability, of which we are members. The Charter of Principles is a document which establishes the principles which constitute the guidelines for good corporate management and which aims to create a voluntary benchmark adapted to companies of various sizes. Its goal is to reinforce sustainable management practices based on six principles: Legal Compliance & Ethical Conduct; Human Rights; Labor Rights; Prevention, Health and Safety; Environment; and Management.

The Charter was launched on November 23, 2017 and already has 95 signatory companies. Each of these companies is now inviting their most relevant suppliers to also sign up to the Charter. It is, therefore, with the greatest pleasure that we invite you to subscribe to the BCSD Portugal Charter of Principles. The subscription will allow the recognition of the adoption of solid sustainable management commitments with your customers, suppliers and society in general; it will serve as support in the implementation of Decree-Law 89/2017 on the mandatory disclosure of non-financial information; and, finally, it will be a demonstration of commitment to the challenges posed by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Attached you will find the Charter of Principles and the respective subscription template that I invite you to complete and send via CTT to BCSD Portugal (Av. Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro, nº 108, 2º B, 1070-067 Lisboa). Upon receipt of this document, BCSD Portugal will send you the membership diploma, the Charter’s seal of approval to use in your communication materials, as well as a template of a press release in case you want to disseminate this theme internally and/or externally.

The signatory companies of the Charter will also be the target of a voluntary plan of training and capacity building for professionals and companies, focused on the themes of sustainable supply chain management. The objective of BIZ Capital and BCSD Portugal with this project is to contribute so that more and more companies commit themselves to sustainability.


BIZ Capital